Autism Spectrum Disorder

Alisha, at the age of 5 year old child was diagnosed with moderate Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by a Psychiatrist after conduction of various medical assessments. The parents approached MCMA team after 3 years course of medication with minimal changes. The team studies the reports of the child and also found that the criteria were matching with DSM-V. A detailed case history was taken from the mother followed by the major areas of expected improvement after the future course of the therapeutic intervention. The concern areas were:

i)  Hyperactivity

ii) No development of speech

iii) Less social contact

The Clinical Neuro-Psychotherapist started HEG Neurofeedback + LLLT sessions. As the sessions progressed there were some visible changes in behaviour of the child. After 25 sessions, there was quite good improvement in speech. The child started babbling & there was reduction in hyper activity to a certain extent in comparison to Pre-therapeutic intervention. After every 5/ 10 sessions, the mother was provided with Alternate Sessions Feedback Rating (ASFR) & Milestones Assessment Checklist (MAC) forms respectively which has been scientifically designed by the MCMA team of experts. In this form, the parents/care-takers provide ratings on different criteria starting from the child's behaviour, social interaction speech to overall changes observed by them during the course of therapy.

The therapist suggested the parents to go for more 25 therapy sessions. And after the completion of 40 sessions, the following improvements can be listed out-

i) Reduction in her Hyper Activity- she is able to sit for a long period of time compare to pre therapy

ii) Child has started saying words like Maaaa/paaaa

iii) She is able to follow simple instructions

iv) Started playing with her elder sister

v) Her school teacher reported she is doing great in school, really paying attention, and learning better.

The Mother reported that she was satisfied with the Neurofeedback therapy + LLLT.