TRAINING is a subsystem of an organization. It ensures that randomness is reduced and learning or behavioural change takes place in structured planned way. The principal objective of training and development division is to make sure the availability of skilled and willing workforce to an organization.
It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviors to enhance the performance of employees. Learning simply means "Change in Behaviour". This is what we mean by training and that is what we aim at.
Training and development is vital part of the human resource development. It is assuming ever important role in wake of the advancement of technology which has resulted in ever increasing competition, rise in customer’s expectation of quality and service and a subsequent need to lower costs. It is also become more important globally in order to prepare workers for new jobs. In the current write up, we will focus more on the emerging need of training and development, its implications upon individuals and the employers.
Noted management author Peter Drucker said that the fastest growing industry would be training and development as a result of replacement of industrial workers with knowledge workers. In United States, for example, according to one estimate technology is de-skilling 75 % of the population. This is true for the developing nations and for those who are on the threshold of development. In Japan for example, with increasing number of women joining traditionally male jobs, training is required not only to impart necessary job skills but also for preparing them for the physically demanding jobs. They are trained in everything from sexual harassment policies to the necessary job skills.
The need for Training and Development
Before we say that technology is responsible for increased need of training inputs to employees, it is important to understand that there are other factors too that contribute to the latter. Training is also necessary for the individual development and progress of the employee, which motivates him to work for a certain organisation apart from just money. We also require training update employees of the market trends, the change in the employment policies and other things.
The following are the two biggest factors that contribute to the increased need to training and development in organisations:
1. Change: The word change encapsulates almost everything. It is one of the biggest factors that contribute to the need of training and development. There is in fact a direct relationship between the two. Change leads to the need for training and development and training and development leads to individual and organisational change, and the cycle goes on and on. More specifically it is the technology that is driving the need; changing the way how businesses function, compete and deliver.
2. Development: It is again one the strong reasons for training and development becoming all the more important. Money is not the sole motivator at work and this is especially very true for the 21st century. People who work with organisations seek more than just employment out of their work; they look at holistic development of self. Spirituality and self awareness for example are gaining momentum world over. People seek happiness at jobs which may not be possible unless an individual is aware of the self. At ford, for example, an individual can enrol himself / herself in a course on ‘self awareness’, which apparently seems inconsequential to ones performance at work but contributes to the spiritual well being of an individual which is all the more important.
The critical question however remains the implications and the contribution of training and development to the bottom line of organisations performance. To assume a leadership position in the market space, an organisation will need to emphasise on the kind of programs they use to improvise performance and productivity and not just how much they simply spend on learning!
At McareM We Provide Range of Training as stated
For Schools
- Life SkillsHowever, our Life Skills programme is only one day workshop. It will be practiced and improve life. In this workshop participants are trained to behave to use their behaviour appropriately and responsibly in the management of their personal affairs in order to handle their problems and questions commonly encountered in daily life. It varies greatly depending on social norms and community expectations.However, life skills are often taught in the domain of parenting, either indirectly through the observation and experience of the child, or directly with the purpose of teaching a specific skill.Our life skills programs are offered when traditional family structures and healthy relationships have broken down, whether due to parental lapses, divorce or due to issues with the children (such as substance abuse or other risky behavior).Effective Teaching and trainingTeaching is a skill and our effective trainer use techniques that best serve the learning needs of the students. There are many things that students can learn themselves through discovery as well as more direct way, with the trainers structuring the learning to suit. Our trainers train in a way that train students to take greater responsibility for their own learning.Class ManagementClassroom management is a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that syllabus run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students. The classroom management also includes the prevention of disruptive behavior. It is possibly the most difficult aspect of teaching for many teachers; indeed experiencing problems in this area causes some to leave teaching altogether.Our program classroom management is closely linked to issues of motivation, discipline and respect. Techniques remain a matter of passionate debate amongst teachers; approaches vary depending on the beliefs a teacher holds regarding educational psychology. A large part of traditional classroom management involves behavior modification of the students, although many teachers see using behavioral approaches alone as overly simplistic. Many teachers establish rules and procedures at the beginning of the school year. But rules are not enough to manage the classrooms. Our Technique will train you on this skill.Active Learning TechniquesActive learning is the responsibility of learning on learners.In our program active learning can be focused on the following type of active learning for learners. In our Programme we provide training on the following techniques step by step. A class discussion may be held in person in classroom. Discussions can be conducted with any class size, although it is typically more effective in smaller group settings. A think-pair-share activity is when learners take a minute to ponder the previous lesson, later to discuss it with one or more of their peers, finally to share it with the class as part of a formal discussion.Interpersonal skills for Teachers and StudentsIn our Program we focus on training this part because it is the most important skill. Good Teachers have excellent Interpersonal skills. And also "Great teachers are always looking for opportunities to increase their own knowledge. They are data driven as well. Babies start to develop interpersonal relationships as soon as they are born. Infants ‘bond’ quickly with parents and siblings making eye-contact and recognising faces, voice sounds, tone and pitch. Smiles usually follow from about two months old and as any parent will know babies have a way of communicating that something is wrong from a very early age if they are tired, hungry, in pain.We found that students may have difficulties with social interactions ifThey have problems making and keeping close friends
- They are the victim of bullying or excessive teasing (a certain amount of teasing is normal)
- They are the culprit of bullying or excessive teasing of other children
- They are generally too domineering or too passive in problem solving and conflict resolution
- They do not behave appropriately in group situations, teachers may pick up on such traits
- They misunderstand conversations frequently and make irrelevant or inappropriate comments
- They misunderstand facial expressions and other non-verbal signs and make inappropriate comments or gestures
- They find it difficult to understand humour and/or use humour in conversation
- They interrupt conversations frequently and inappropriately.
The aim of our program is to resolve such problems of students.Behavioral Modification Training for StudentsAssessing and modifying human behaviour. The behaviour can include psychological problems, student behaviour, sports performance and criminal activity. Among the modification techniques covered are relaxation training, reinforcement, shaping, extinction, modelling, role-playing, in vivo rehearsal, instruction, systematic desensitisation, cognitive restructuring and self-control training. Students learn through reading assignments, class demonstrations and discussions, small group activities and a major application project.The Mind Care Management Associate’s Behaviour Modification programme includes instructional materials necessary to effectively deliver trainings to students on the basic principles and techniques of behaviour modification. The training is broken down into a series of lessons that can be delivered to small or large groups of students, within short or longer periods of time (1-2 hours or all day trainings).Time Management in StudiesTime management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity.One goal is to help yourself become aware of how you use your time as one resource in organizing, prioritizing, and succeeding in your studies in the context of competing activities of friends, work, family, etc.Stress Management for Teachers and StudentsIf teacher care of themselves they can take care their students. On the other way round, if they are on stress the situation become opposite.Our program is focused on managing stress of teachers as well as students.If all focus on what is in their control. Then we can maintain our stress level.Positive self talk is vital. What would you say to your best friend if they were having a bad day?Decide to talk to yourself as you would talk to your best friend.We feel worse after being with the people who drain our energy but we can’t avoid them. Our program is to energize all.We found that teachers are often very bad at saying ‘no’ to jobs and tasks. It is of course very important to be co-operative and helpful, but if you are always overloaded, thing about how this is contributing to your stress. Our program will train you to say ‘no’ and manage your stress.Personality GroomingPersonal grooming (also called titivating and preening) is the art of cleaning, grooming, and maintaining parts of the body. It is a species-typical behavior.In our program we train on personal grooming through various methodologies. In personal grooming habit modification takes a great part.Emotional IntelligencePeople with high EI have been proven to have greater mental health, exemplary job performance, and more potent leadership skills.Leadership Skills for Teachers & StudentsThis introductory program is a self-paced course designed to provide a foundation for working with the Student Leadership Challenge and The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership model. An assessment tool is included to help participants measure their understanding of the core concepts. This is a great program to help other educators in your campus or organization learn about The Student Leadership Challenge and begin thinking about how they can teach leadership to students.For CorporateLeadership & ManagementWe train in an innovative ways to gain employee commitment to organizational objectives through workplace learning and development.Supervisory LeadershipTo provide the best opportunity for maximizing the Supervisory leadership capabilities, Mind Care & Management Associates offers Leadership training for the junior managers. Using case studies, role-plays, activities, group discussions and questionnaires, this program equips Junior Management with the skills required to enable each member to achieve their maximum potential.Problem Solving & Decision MakingThis Program is designed to help participants build their problem solving and creative thinking skills. Participants apply the critical concepts and techniques of creative thinking in combination with certain problem solving tools to innovatively solve specific workplace problems. Participants review the objectives of innovative problem solving and apply the techniques of lateral thinking, in particular the generation of alternatives by employing brainstorming, reversal, random stimulation, analogies, and fractionation. Participants also apply popular problem solving tools (for instance, Check sheets, Pareto diagrams, Cause and Effect diagrams, Process Flowcharts, and more) to solve generic and workplace problems.Effective Change ManagementThis one-day workshop will help you teach participants how to:- Accept there are no normal or abnormal ways of reacting to change, but that we must start from where we are.
- See change not as something to be feared and resisted but as an essential element of the world to be accepted.
- Understand that adapting to change is not technical but attitudinal. Change is not an intellectual issue but one that strikes at who you are.
- Recognize that before we can embrace the way things will be, we must go through a process of grieving, and of letting go of the way things used to be.
- See change as an opportunity for self-motivation and innovation.
- Identify strategies for helping change be accepted and implemented in the workplace.
- Introduction and Course Overview
- You will spend the first part of the day getting to know participants and discussing what will take place during the workshop. Students will also have an opportunity to identify their personal learning objectives.
Team Work - Creating Better Teams- This one-day workshop will help you teach participants:
- About the different kinds of teams
- How to develop team norms
- About the Gradients of Agreement
- How to identify their team player style
- Ways to become a better team player
- Ways to build team trust
- Two models of team development
Performance Management(including: conducting performance appraisals & reviews)In the present corporate set up, a Performance Management System or PMS is seen as an important tool for fostering organisational growth and individual development. For making the PMS a success, it is critical that people in positions of authority enforce the PMS in its true spirit, and regards it as a critical tool for their professional growth and career enhancement.Senior ManagementThe Program offers participants a platform to brainstorm and arrive at a consensus to make the PMS viable. This Program will also equip participants with various skills needed to evaluate people objectively and formulate an individual career development plan. The Program will have skill building sessions on developmental feedback and grievance handling, so that the participants are fully equipped while conducting performance appraisals.Middle ManagementThe purpose of this Program is to help participants systematise what they already know, to link what they think with what they feel and believe, especially about subordinates, so that they can approach issues at the workplace using both head and heart.Using role plays, case studies and facilitator-led discussions, the Program will enable participants to develop the skills needed to conduct performance appraisals effectively.Coaching & MentoringCoaching and Mentoring are some of the key responsibilities handled by managers during different stages of their career. The skills enable them to achieve growth and development of their team, resulting in achievement of overall organisational goals.This Program will take participants through the process of coaching, by developing and enhancing skills that help in ensuring participation of the mentor and the mentored, and reviewing the dos and don’ts of coaching and mentoring. By developing managers into mentors, your organisation can create a credible succession strategy built on a foundation of inclusion, self-improvement and loyalty.Facilitation Skills (Train the Trainer)Today’s fast growing world one requires to match the demand of the organization. Therefore up gradation of knowledge and skills are very essential from time to time. This gap will be field by MCMA’s experienced trainers to the trainers of your organization.
Interviewing Skills Training ProgramIn today's highly competitive market, successful recruitment presents an ongoing challenge. This practical Interview and Selection skills training Program will provide individuals with the skills and techniques that are essential for conducting a successful selection process. This Program will deal with preparation for an interview, developing interview questions and their value and interview techniques. The Program includes group discussions, exercises, role-play and a questionnaire based on interview skills.Organizational Values and EthicsThis Program will help participants understand the values and work ethics of their organisation through various activities. The training Program enables individuals to align personal values and work ethics with the organisation’s values, for self-development and organisational growth. The participants will also recognise the enormous benefits of being proactive: improvement in organisational reputation, organisational effectiveness, stakeholder good will, attracting potential employees, retaining existing talent and other aspects such as cost savings associated with minimising ethical mistakes .Conflict Management among EmployeesConflicts are an integral part of the workplace environment; it is not uncommon to see people with different experiences, priorities and attitude getting into conflict situations at workplace. This conflict management Program will help participants identify some of the ways they may be contributing to these problems and offer some strategies that they can adopt at work and in their personal lives to minimize such conflicts.Participants will share their personal experiences regarding conflict at the work place and use role-plays to practice behaviour that minimises conflict. The program will help increase productivity by enabling employees to understand each other and work together, without causing conflicts or tension.Strategic ManagementStrategic management provides overall direction to an organisation. This Program will help organisations to assess the business, industry scenario and the competition and take necessary measures to succeed.The Program will help set goals and strategies to meet all existing and potential competitors. It will help participants reassess each strategy to determine how it has been implemented and whether it has succeeded or needs to be replaced so as to meet changed circumstances, new technology, new competitors, a new economic environment or a new social, financial, or political environment.EntrepreneurshipIn response to inevitable change, future entrepreneurs need to be infused with creative thinking and innovation. This Program provides an excellent foundation not just for the start-up business owner, but also for the business owner or manager who wants to gain a further understanding of some of the essential principles associated with owning and operating a start-up or an on-going business. Participants will gain an understanding of financial and accounting terms, gain confidence and improve their communication skills. They will also explore some of the subjects critical to running a legitimate business.Project ManagementProject Management, as a practice, is relevant across industries and sectors as it facilitates efficient handling of projects. The objective of the Project Management Program is to enable Project Managers to plan and deliver projects within the stipulated constraints of time, cost and quality. The Program will be extensively based on practice sessions providing ample opportunities to the participants to apply the concepts being taught using real life work scenarios. Additionally, the learning will be reinforced through case studies and facilitator-led discussions.For CollegesInterview Skills Resume Writing Motivation Building Personality Grooming Stress Management Time Management Communication Skills Assertiveness Business Etiquettes Business Writing Skills Creative Thinking Email Writing Interpersonal Relationship Behavioural Modification Presentation Skills Emotional Intelligence Negotiation Skills Telephone Etiquette Problem Solving Skills